martes, septiembre 25, 2007

El blues de las 15:30

Cuando a media tarde se me apaga un motor, me reamanece, la cafeína.

4 comentarios:

~Will~ dijo...

Fanstastic! I knew western country's cafe like starburks, coffeebean.... are very famous in Singapore.

I wish to visit Argentina & Europe countries.....

I like Argentina's football player like Crespo, Batistuta, Veron, Manatona, & Terez....

But, unfortunately, i don't understand your writting..... Hope to see more pictures & nice scenes from your blog...

Marcela dijo...

y un chocolatito, no?
Ya sabés... por la dopamina nomás!

Mare dijo...

Thanx Will!! and welcome!, i can´t understand your writting either! Let`s see what images can say then...

Mare dijo...

Mar, veo que a media tarde te pasan cosas parecidas. Totalmente, un chocolatito hace milagros!